Personal Injury
Mediation is an alternative to personal injury litigation, allowing both parties, individually and with their insurers, to come to an agreement without the time and expense of court proceedings. Personal injury cases can be time consuming and, at times, the cost of litigation may exceed the value of the claim, making a case an excellent option for mediation when:
Enough information is available to evaluate the claim.
There is a fine line between adequate information and engaging in discovery that can drive up the cost of the case.
Previous attempts at negotiations have broken down.
A neutral mediator can help restart discussions between parties where prior efforts failed to bring the parties together.
A party is unresponsive or difficult.
Mediation begins with ground rules to ensure meaningful participation among all parties. Claims for personal injuries may be highly emotional for parties who have experienced life altering changes and, at times, need a forum to have their issues heard. Our panel of objective third parties with substantial experience evaluating cases can assist parties in reaching an agreement.